Research for Basis of Care
Acute encephalopathy with biphasic seizures and late reduced diffusion
Alterations in brain and immune function produced by mindfulness meditation_Psychosomatic Med_03
Antibasal ganglia antibodies and their relevance to movement disorders_Current Opinions in Neurol_04
arcuate fasciculus variabiliity
Assessment of Patients with FN disorders
Basal ganglia and cerebellum in dystonia
Brain dendritic cells – biology and pathology_Acta Neuropathol_2012
Brain imaging and vestibular disorders
Brain-immune interactions and disease susceptibility_Molecular Psychol 05
Vitamin D controls T cell antigen receptor signaling and activation of T cells_Nature Imm 2010
Visual tracking synchronizaton as a metric for concussion screening
Vestibular rehabilitation for dizziness and balance disorders after concussion-neurophystherV
estibular loss an Hipp and spatial loss
Vergence dysfunction in mildtraumatic brain injury a review
Velocity storage in the human vertical rotational
Triggering mechanisms in microsaccade and saccade
The synapsins-Multitask modulators of neuronal development
The assessment of balance and dizziness
thalamus neocortex activationt
halamocortical vestibular systemt
Targeting autophagy and mitophagy for mitochondrial diseases treatment
Systemic infections and inflammation affect chronic neurodegeneration_Nat Rev Immunol_2007
Somatotopic organization of the primate basal ganglia
Sensory neuropathy and autoimmune diseases_Autoimmune Diseases_2012
Sensory neurons, ion channels, inflammation, and the onset of neuropathic pain_
sensorimotor integation with cervical adjustment
Rifaximin for irritable bowel syndrome without constipation_NEJM
Rehabilitation approaches to hemineglect_Neurolgist_09
Parietal lobe and Express Saccades
oxidative stress and excitotoxicity
Neuroprotection with ketone bodies
Neuronal antibody movement disorders
Neuromuscular junction disease
Neuroinflammation and psychiatric illness
neurogenesis aging circulatory system
NeuroClin-Nutritional Neuropathies
NeuroClin-Antibody Testing in Peripheral Neuropathies
Neuro Exam Details from Kharazzian Neuro Exam Video
MMSE Sensitivity and Specificity
Microglial Control of Neuronal Death and Synaptic Properties_Glia_07
Microglia-neuronal signalling in neuropathic pain hypersensitivity 2.0_Cur Op Neurobiol
Microglia in neurodegenerative disease_Nat Rev Neurol_2010
Metal toxicity at the synapse – presynaptic postsynaptic and long term effects_J Toxicol_2012
Losing your nerves – maybe its the antibodies_Nat Rev ImmunolI
VIG treatmente in multifocal motor neuropathy_J Clin Immunol_2010
Interaction of the Frontal Eye Field and Superior Colliculus
Influence of onset offset saccade programming
Influence of motor and cognitive impairment upon visually guided saccades in PD
Immunoregulatory Role – J Immunol
immunoexcitotoxicity in chronic traumatic encephalopathy
Immune function and exercise_Exercise Immunology Review_2011_vol 17i
How does diabetes accelerate alzheimer disease pathology_Nat Rev Neurol_2010
Functional Symptoms and Signs in Neurology
Functional Auditory Disordersf
frontal collosal disconnection
Exercise-induced hippocampal anti-inflammatory response in aged rats
Exercise on neurocognitive function
Excitotoxins, Mitochondrial and Redox Disturbances in Multiple Sclerosis
epigentics and brain plasticity
Endocrine changes after pediatric traumatic brain injury pituitary
eMedicine – Frontal and Temporal Lobe Dementia – Article by Howard S Kirshner
Effects of testosterone on cognitive brain aging – Ann NY Acad Sci
Effects of Somatosensory Stimulation on Motor Function After Subacute Stroke
Effects of oral supplementation – Nutrition
Effects of Eye Position upon superior colliculus
effect of saccades on cognition
Effect of cognitive load on eye target synchronization during smooth pursuit eye movement
Does vestibular damage cause cognitive
DNA damage in neurodegenerative diseases
DNA Damage and Its Links to Neurodegeneration
Dizziness – Approach to Evaluation and Management
Dizziness – A Diagnostic Approach
Cutting your nerve changes your brain
Cortical activation during optokinetic stimulation-an fMRI study
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome_J Neurol_2005_a review
erebellum basal ganglia error correction
cerebellar hemispheric activation
Central Nervous System Disorders
Canalolithiasis of the superior semicircular canal_An anomaly in Benign Paroxysmal Vertigo _2005
Brain-immune interactions and disease susceptibility_Molecular Psychol 05
Brain imaging and vestibular disorders
Brain dendritic cells – biology and pathology_Acta Neuropathol_2012
Basal ganglia and cerebellum in dystonia
Assessment of Patients with FN disorders
arcuate fasciculus variabiliity
Antibasal ganglia antibodies and their relevance to movement disorders_Current Opinions in Neurol_04
Alterations in brain and immune function produced by mindfulness meditation_Psychosomatic Med_03
Acute encephalopathy with biphasic seizures and late reduced diffusion
Brain Photobiomodulation—Preliminary Results from Regional Cerebral Oximetry and Thermal Imaging
Hamblin What is the truth about photobiomodulation and the Big C
Hamblin_ Shining light on the head
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Laser and Cancer and complex diseases
Low-Level Laser Therapy Improves Vision in Patients with Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Neurophotonics_ Transcranial Laser for Pain in the Body
Acceleration-Deceleration Sport-Related Concussion- The Gravity of It All
ADHD affects all areas of health
Antidepressant Efficacy of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Autonomic Nervous System and Immune Reactions
Basal Ganglia Nutrition – Kharrazian
Beyond blood brain barrier breakdown
Brain dendritic cells – biology and pathology_Acta Neuropathol_2012
Brain Development and tourettes
Brain Plasticity-Basaed Therapeutics
Caspase-3 in the central nervous system- beyond apoptosis_Cell_2012
Central nervous system injury-induced immune deficiency syndrome_Nat Rev Immunol_05
Cerebellar Transcranial Direct Stimulation Modulates Verbal Working Memory
Cerebral White Matter Projections
Chemical Antibodies JAT – Vojdani and Kharrazian
Cognitive and Emotional Control of Pain
Cognitive Rehabiltation and Plasticity
Cortical Reorganization with ICA Occlusion
DEvelopment of Complex Brain Networks
Development of Hub Architecture
Development of interneurons into cortical networks
Development of large scale functional networks
Development of Late Synchrony maturation
development of the right and left hemispheres
Developmental Changes in Hub Network
Developmetn of functional Anatom columns
Disordes of Autonomics after hemispheric CVD
Dizziness after traumatic brain injury_Brain Inj_06
Does vestibular damage cause cognitive
Epigenetics in Brain Development
Epigenetics of Neural developmental disorders
epigentics and brain plasticity
Expanding universe of disorders of the basal ganglia
Experience dependant Bimodality inhibitory neurons
Function networks local to distributed
Functiona Neuroanatomy of the Basal Ganglia
Functional Connectivity in Tourettes
Functional connectivity workshop
Functional Neuroantomy of Language
Functional Organization of Autonomic Pathways
GABA INterneurons in Brain Development
Heart Rate Variability and inflammation
Hypopituitarism after multiple concussions- a retrospective case study in an adolescent male
Immune system to brain signaling – neuropsychological implications_Pharm and Therapeutics_2011
Immunology and immunotherapy of alzheimers disease_Nature Reviews Immunology_06
interhemispheric balance in parkinsons disease
Lateral Asymmetries in infants
Loss of specificity in basal ganglia related movement disorders
Management of Cerebral Concussion in Sports- The Athletic Trainer’s Perspective
Management of the Athlete with Concussion
Mechanisms of head injuries in elite football
Microglia and the control of autoreactive T cell responses_Neurochemistry Intl_06
Microglia in neurodegenerative disease_Nat Rev Neurol_2010
Microglial activation correlates with severity in Huntington disease_J Neurol_06
Microglial cell origin and phenotypes in health and disease_Nat Rev Immunol_2011
Mild traumatic brain injuries in adults
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury- Lessons Learned from Clinical, Sports, and Combat Concussions
Models of Basal Ganglia Function and Dysfunction
Movement Disorders in System Disease
Movment disorders in cerebrovascular disease
Neurodegneration with Iron Accumulation
Neuroimmunomodulation of limbic structures
Neuronal Damage in Brain Inflammation
Neuropsychiatry of the Basal Ganglia
Neuropsychological Performance, Postural Stability, and Symptoms After Dehydration
Nurtition for chemical tolerance – Kharrazian
Occupational Exposures and Parkinsonism
olfaction degenerative disease
PEG minocycline-lipossomes ameliorate CNS autoimmune disease_PLOS
Peripheral nerve and plasticity
Potential Therapeutic Strategies Mitochondria
Reactive Oxygen Species Stimulate Sympathetic Nervous System
Recurrenct temporal networks in lanuage acquisition
Segregation Integration Development
Somato integration feed forward thalamocortical
Somatotopic Orgnization of Basal Ganglia
Specificity in Orginization of the ANS
Sports-related mild traumatic brain injury in female youths.
Standardized Mental Status Testing on the Sideline After Sport-Related Concussion
Stroke prevention in atrial fibrilation – do we still need warfarin_Cur Op Neuro_2012
Supramedullary Modulation of Sympathetic Vasomotor Functions
Sympathetic Control of Blood Pressure
Targeting Plasticity with Vagus Nerve
The cerbellum and Basal Ganglia are Interconnected
The Epidemiology of Sport-Related Concussion
The Functional Neuroanatomy of Pain Perception
The mechanism of mitochondrial superoxide production by the cytochrome bc1 complex_J biol chem_2003
The Neurometabolic Cascade of Concussion
The Role of the Basal Ganglia and Cerebellum In Motor Learning
Transcranial Photobiomodulation
Trigeminal nerve stimulation does not acutely affect cortical excitability
vagus nerve stimulation and hippocampal neruogeneiss
vagus nerve stimulation central vs peripheral evoked potentials
vagus nerve stimulatoin acute and chronic effects
vestibular active vs passive head movements
vestibular loss causes hippocampal atrophy
vestibular system anatomy and higher projections
Vestibulo-Sympathetic Responses
Visual rehab for visual-vestibular dysfunction
White matter andd Functional Disconnection
02-2-NeuroClin-The clinical electromyography examination–An overview
02-3-NeuroClin-Nerve conduction studies. Types, components, abnormalities, and value in localization
02-5-NeuroClin-Needle electromyography. Fundamentals, normal and abnormal patterns
02-6-NeuroClin-Electrodiagnostic approach to the patient with suspected radiculopathy
02-7-NeuroClin-Electrodiagnostic approach to the patient with suspected brachial plexopathy
02-10-NeuroClin-Electrodiagnostic approach to the patient with suspected motor neuron disease
07-NeuroClin-Antibody Testing in Peripheral Neuropathies
07-NeuroClin-Autonomic Peripheral Neuropathy
07-NeuroClin-Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
07-NeuroClin-The electrodiagnosis of neuropathy– basic principles and common pitfalls
07-NeuroClin-Vasculitic Neuropathies
A current interpretation of popliteal vascular entrapment
Anatomy of the quadrilateral space
Antibody testing as a diagnostic tool in autoimmune disorders_Clin Auton Res_09
Diabetic neuropathy – cellular mechanisms as therapeutic targets_Nat Rev Neurol_2010
eMedicine – Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy _ Article by Richard A Lewis
eMedicine – Metabolic Myopathies _ Article by Bashar Katirji
eMedicine – Mononeuritis Multiplex _ Article by Paul V Brooks
eMedicine – Neuropathy of Leprosy _ Article by Ramaratnam Sridharan
eMedicine – Nutritional Neuropathy _ Article by R Andrew Sewell
eMedicine – Paraneoplastic Autonomic Neuropathy _ Article by Bjorn Oskarsson
eMedicine – Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome-Article by Gianni Persich
eMedicine – Toxic Neuropathy _ Article by Jonathan S Rutchik
eMedicine – Vitamin B-12 Associated Neurological Diseases _ Article by Niranjan N Singh
Functional Popliteal Entrapment Syndrome
Nerve Compression Syndromes of the Upper Extremity
Nerve Entrapments of the Lower Leg and Foot in Sport
Sensory neuropathy and autoimmune diseases_Autoimmune Diseases_2012
Thoracic outlet and pectoralis minor syndromes
Vascular Compression Syndromes
A General Overview on the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Exposure to Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Increases Blood Flow
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Childre
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy on oxidative stress
Mild hyperbaric oxygen-mechanisms and effects
Scientific review of the evidence for hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment
The effect of mild-pressure hyperbaric therapy
Neuroinflammation, Neuroautoimmunity, and the Co-Morbidities
Functional Symptoms in Neurology
Physiotherapy for functional motor disorders
Urologic symptoms and functional neurologic disorders
Diagnostic criteria for persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD)
Management of functional communication, swallowing, cough and related disorders
Functional Neurological Disorder: New Phenotypes, Common Mechanisms
Diagnosis and management of functional neurological disorder
Outcome measurement in functional neurological disorder: a systematic review and recommendations
Functional Neurologic Disorders
You’ve made the diagnosis of functional neurological disorder: now what?
Emotional Processing In Functional Neurology Disorder
Impaired Self-Agency In Functional Movement Disorders
Dissociation and interoception in functional neurological disorder
Occupational therapy consensus recommendations for functional neurological disorder
Randomised feasibility study of physiotherapy for patients with functional motor symptoms